Sunday, January 13, 2008

Shut up. I had things to do.

Ahh. Who am I kidding? I didn't have jack shit to do. I was just lazy and not in the mood to write. But in all honesty, I was doing you a favour. Would you really want to read the shit I forced myself to squeeze out because I felt I had to? It would've sucked.

Regardless...What have I been up to? Nothing really. I have been working on a few know, nothing major. And I've been going to school. School is alright I guess. But shit is building up...I have like ten things due next week and then exams.

But otherwise, all is well. I had a date with a girl. The girl. It went well. It went really well. We saw a movie and talked for a while. We have another date coming up. More on that when it happens.

I've been watching a lot of movies lately.

I'm sorry. I'm gonna stop myself. Am I falling into the trap I was trying to avoid? Am I slipping down into forcibly telling you every detail of my mundane monotonous life?

My god. No matter how hard I tried to avoid this. It happened. Now you see why I haven't been posting in so long. To avoid this happening.

I guess I'll post when I can. But forgive me if my posts are infrequent. Just think that if I posted every day. They would be like the above part of this blog.

That's it.


Kevin Chan said...

Shit, took you long enough.

Dude just post though, even if it's a piece of shit. You posted every day in JOM, and even though (no offense) most of did suck salty balls, once every couple days you would squeeze out something fucking a.

The Jude said...

I appreciate your honesty. You have gained my respect.

Cooper Brown said...

I always had a good post.

Cooper Brown said...

p.s. Now that I've insulted you, would you please link my blog to yours?

The Jude said...

hah. Sure.

Cooper Brown said...

snore....this blog has cobwebs on it.

Cooper Brown said...

Theres a fucking family of owls living in this blog for god sakes.